Nordstrom Product & Outfit Pages

Nordstrom, 2012 – 2014


My very first day on the job, I found myself building a prototype for a usability study scheduled for the following day.

Turned out I had caught a hot potato — the team had been under a lot of pressure in the previous few weeks, and nobody had ended up truly owning a product page redesign that was already well underway.

I caught my bearings and dove into a series of weekly usability studies for the next six weeks, learning from customers, iterating, and eventually producing a significantly more efficient and attractive solution, just in time for handoff.

The product page.  With just a single template used to sell a wide range of products, from lipstick to mattresses to extra-wide shoes, finding one approach to cover all scenarios was one of the central challenges of this effort.
Product recommendations are offered up dynamically, based on past browsing and purchase history.
Customer product reviews.

After releasing the new product page (and its constant companion, the outfit page) we devised a nine month optimization plan, where all the assumptions time had forced us to make in the initial design could be validated quantitatively.

Even after the nine months were up, of course, the experiment continues. Iteration never really stops on a page like this.

The outfit page, where customers can see and buy multiple pieces to create a look suggested by Nordstrom stylists.